How Do We Help?

We are honored to be listed in the Financial Assistance section of the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Resources.

First, we listen to your heart for the family and charities who depend on you the most.

3D Small People - Cooperation

Then, we help you sift through the many options to find the products/options that meet your special needs dependent best, within your budget. Since we represent 15 of the top companies in the USA, we will never force a one-size-fits-all product as a catch-all solution.  This also saves you the price shopping headache. PLUS, the insurance industry is regulated, which means – even if you went directly to the providers we represent, the price quotes remain the same!

Finally, we help you make the most loving, educated decision on the structure of that legacy disbursement when it is needed.

We include a follow-up alert to those you identify as needing to be ‘in the know’ about this step you took so they are aware and ready to follow your last wishes.

Our main products include but are not limited to:

Permanent Income (Lifetime Annuity)

Income beyond the grave? Yes! It is possible with a properly structured financial package that pays an income to your special-needs dependent for the rest of their life. Ask us how. #PlanRight

Cash Growth

While a life insurance is not a savings vehicle per se, there are unique policies that allow you to accumulate cash value with a guaranteed interest superior to bank offers. You can to access that cash and close out your policy, or repay yourself and keep the policy in tact. Some life policies offer benefits you can use while you’re still living, which is why we call them Living Benefits.

Mortgage Protection Insurance

When the main breadwinner passes, bills still have to be paid. Even if there is not enough to cover full mortgage payoff, giving the family time to grieve, pack, sell or relocate is helpful. #PlanRight

Life & Disability Insurance

If we knew ahead of time what curveball life would throw at us, we could plan accordingly – but we don’t. That is why having insurance in place covers the unexpected and the unfortunate experiences.

Final Expense Burial Insurance

The average funeral costs $15,000 and the average Cremation cost $1000. Your grieving family does not need another heartache added to figure out how to send you off with honor and dignity. #PlanRight

Tax-Free Retirement

There are very few ways to get tax-free income at retirement. Would you like to be able to accumulate savings for retirement that you can receive as tax-free income during retirement? We show you how.

Create Your Will, Living Trust

Your special needs dependent will need for you to have planned through for a Trustworthy caregiver or legal direction for what happens next. Legal planning is urgent. We can help. #PlanRight